Wow! This past weekend we had our worship team retreat at Sky Ranch in Van, TX. It was a total blast. The food was great, it was beautiful outside, and they have ropes courses. It was so neat seeing many of our worship team climbing a telephone pole and jumping onto a trapeeze. I'll post a picture after this post.
We had 21 people to show up which was pretty good considering it was Spring Break. I set up a prayer walk that went over really well. We stayed up till 2:30am around the campfire telling funny stories.
Congrats to Becky San Juan for claiming the best belcher contest. I came in at a distant 2nd place, but her belches were too powerful and frequent for me to overcome. Also it was a three way tie between Shawn, Becky, and David for the most wood gathered trying to keep the fire alive. They would dissapear into the night and come back lugging arms full of branches. And the best story of the weekend has to go to Randy for his wonderful telling of when he got up to pray in church as a kid and passed gas out loud. I don't know how you beat that story.
I finally got my new digital camera yesterday. My old camera broke the day that Rebekah was born. The warranty just now paid for it so it has taken that long to figure out what I needed to do about a new camera.
Rebekah is starting to smile. She has officially smiled for me 4 times and only once for Summer. I guess Rebekah laughes at my silly looking face and then looks at Summer and thinks...."mmmmm...Lunch"
I hope all is going well with all of you. Sorry it has been a while since I posted. It is tough keeping this thing up to date. Have a blessed day.