Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Fox 4 News

This morning I had the privilege of singing with 3 outstanding guys in a quartet on Fox 4 News. We were advertising "Singing Valentines" that the Vocal Majority sponsors every year. We recorded it on our DVR. I was talking to Anna afterwards and she told me that I was singing in mommy's TV. She got a kick out of it.

I'm still on track with my grad work. So far I've made A's on all my assignments which is a good thing. It looks like I have another 300 pages to read this week though.

It looks like we will be getting a new server here at work. Our old one is dying a slow death. The hard drive has been giving me errors, which is never a good thing. We are going to upgrade to Small Business Server 2003, which should be easier to manage. Marvin, one of our deacons, is going to help get it all set up. He is a mastermind at all that stuff.

Well, back to worship planning.

Have a blessed day.

1 comment:

summer said...

yay!! i'm glad you posted. i love reading your interpretation of things. you held your own with those gold medalists on the news. i think the news anchor woman was a bit smitten with the four of you!!! who could blame her. good luck on getting those three hundred pages read. maybe you can do it ALL tomorrow!!!! hehehehe, just kidding. love you,