Monday, July 10, 2006

2006 International Convention

The last time I stood on an interational stage was in 1992 in the New Orleans Superdome. It was with my dad in a quartet.

I grew up singing barbershop music. My dad was always involved in a quartet and I always went to conventions and sang with my dad. By the time I was around 10, I was competing. My freshmen year in high school, my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer that had spread to his liver.

Little did I know that the last time to be on stage with dad would be on the International stage. He passed away 6 months later.

Fourteen years later, (last week) I stood on stage with the Vocal Majority Chorus. I had set a goal that one day I would win gold for dad. Friday night was the night that my dream of gold came true. I was of course an emotional basket case after they announced we had won. I celebrated for about 5 minutes and then it hit me. Tears started to flow and there was no holding them back. For the next 2 hours I teared up thinking about all the experiences I've had singing with dad.

After that, I celebrated by singing with one of my musical idols, David Harrington and another guy from the Louiville Times, a chorus I used to sing with in college. I had so much fun that I lost track of time and we sang till 4:30am. I guess time flies when you are having fun.

This past week has been a milestone for me. The only thing is I wish that Summer and the kids could have been there to witness it.

By the way, Summer's sister Leslie had a baby yesterday about 1:14pm. The baby and Leslie are healthy. Summer is supposed to be coming back at the latest Thursday. I sure miss them a lot. This is the longest time I've been without them at any one time.

Well, gotta go. Don't forget to see the pics of my medal below.



summer said...

oh..........i love you and i miss you like crazy and i cried , too that night because i wasn't there to experience it with you!!! i love you with all of my heart and can't wait to be in your arms soon!!!!

MichaelPolutta said...

Congratulations! It's wonderful that you are continuing your dad's legacy. Now to instill that in your children, right?!?

I look forward to hearing some of your material.

Blessings from Atlanta!