Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my sweet girl Rebekah. She is 2 today. We got up this morning and sang "Happy Birthday" to her. We will have a family dinner tonight for her and then we will celebrate on Saturday afternoon.

This past weekend we had a worship team retreat. It was awesome. We even recorded a few songs while we were there. We spent alot of time dwelling in the word together. We focused all weekend on Psalm 29. If you have a few minutes today please read this Psalm and see what God reveals about himself to you. I will include the text below.

Ps 29

Ascribe to the LORD, O mighty ones,ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. 2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.
3 The voice of the LORD is over the waters;the God of glory thunders,the LORD thunders over the mighty waters. 4 The voice of the LORD is powerful;the voice of the LORD is majestic. 5 The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars;the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. 6 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf,Sirion like a young wild ox. 7 The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lightning. 8 The voice of the LORD shakes the desert;the LORD shakes the Desert of Kadesh. 9 The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare.And in his temple all cry, "Glory!"
10 The LORD sits enthroned over the flood;the LORD is enthroned as King forever. 11 The LORD gives strength to his people;the LORD blesses his people with peace.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Word of God

This Sunday we are focusing on the importance of the Word of God, especially in community. Scott our minister has a powerful lesson planned about how we not only hurt ourselves when we don't spend time in the Word of God, but we also are hurting our community of faith when we don't spend time in the Word of God.

I've been thinking alot about my days in Nashville at Riverwood. We had some kids in some tough places in that youth group. Some of them were in very broken families. Some were deep into drugs and drinking. A few went to one of the scariest schools in Nashville. Yet the Word of God transformed them.

Here are some lyrics that have been running through my head all week.

"Word of God speak, would you pour down like rain washing my eyes to see your majesty? To be still and know that You're in this place, please let me stay and rest in Your holiness"

Word of God Speak

Bart Millard

"Your words are life to me
Your Ways are all I seek
Your truth is everything I need
Your words are life to me
For every breath I breath
Your words are life to me...."

"Your words bring life to my being, but now I'm seeing it, singing it, living it, breathing it. You're the way, the truth, the light, the door. The King who grants wisdom, the One you're searching for. I love Him, I praise Him, Yeah, I give Him all the glory, His words are life to me."

Your Words are Life to Me
Jeffrey B. Scott/Reggie Joiner

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It has been a while!

Xmas and the New Year consistantly bring lots of excitement. During Xmas, my wife got sick, I got sick, and my dear Anna got sick. Unfortuately, Anna getting sick left Summer and I cleaning carpet at my sister's house on Xmas eve night.

Last week we got a new dog. We got him from the animal shelter. I've always wanted a chocolate lab. Unfortunately he died on Thursday night of Parvo. It was especially hard on my wife and Micah. Micah cried for 20 minutes straight after telling him about it. Now I have to bleach my house and yard before we can think about another dog because Parvo can hang around for 9 months in a yard. Somehow, I don't think we will get a new dog for a while after this incident.

I'll post some pictures in a little while of recent events.

Today I've been watching the construction crew tearing down the houses next to our church as we are starting our building project. It is cool to see how quickly they can tear them down. I've got a video camera taping it so we can do a play back in fast motion of it going down.

Let me know if anyone still checks this occasionally.