Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I finally posted again! Yeah!

Sorry it has been so long. Things have been unsually busy the past several weeks. Everything from contests to Easter, to computer problems to lots of meetings, but all is good.

Easter was excellent. We had one of our best worship times then. There were two baptisms which is awesome.

The coolest thing is that the elders have approved me to get the sound system updated. I've already met with one company yesterday and plan on meeting with another today and another next week. It is exciting because I know what we need and I can prioritize what these guys propose and sift out all of the fluff they may want to sell us.

Rebeckah is doing great. She is now on a schedule where she goes to bed at 10:30 wakes up at 4:00 to eat and then sleeps till around 7:00-7:30. That is much better than waking up 3 times a night to feed her.

Micah has started speech therapy. He goes to school on Tuesday and Thursday. Hopefully they can work with his stuttering and get it under control by the time he starts kindegarden.

Anna has started potty training. She only had one accident yesterday and that was during a nap. This morning she was dry and got up and used the potty. Yeah. It looks like less diapers to buy. That is always a good thing. She has also given her pacifier to Rebekah, "so she things" so the past two days she has been without a pacifier. She is growing up.

My administrative assistant's husband has recently arrived back home from Kuwait. Ryan is doing well and adjusting to normal life again. Thanks Ryan for what you did for your country.

Well, that's about it for now. Hopefully I can post more often in the future.



Unknown said...

SOOO good to hear things are going well! Many Prayers and hugs!


Jenni said...

Glad to hear from you in blogworld again! Btw, I have a friend from high school that owns a multimedia business specifically for churches. If you need another source, let me know and I'll get you his info.