Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I hate colds

I've had a cold for the past couple of days. I can't quite shake it. Last night I could hardly sleep. I think I ended up with about 3-4 hours of sleep the whole night. Oh, well. I've actually been surprisingly awake considering the night I had.

Zoe Conference was great. I wish I could've stayed for the whole thing, but had to get back to Dallas to lead worship. My backup was on vacation.

The family and I had a fun trip though.

My nephew, Andrew, got 4th place in the KY state golf tournament. Way to go Andrew.

Time to go blow my nose again.


summer said...

i blow my nose at you!!! oh wait, that's something else. hope you get better soon! love you,

Lesli said...

Hope you're feeling better!