Tuesday, July 08, 2008

30 points

Just 30 little points. My quartet's goal at international was to make the top 20. We got within 30 points of making it. We ended up 29th this year. It was one of the best contests in a long time. There was more talent on stage this year than I've ever seen in a contest like this. It is awesome just to be able to be competitive with these guys. As soon as we get the DVD in, we'll put up a Youtube of our contest set.

The praise team did incredible at Lipscomb. I'm so proud of them. We got lots of compliments and I'm sure they will want us to come back next year if we can.

My favorite part of the weekend was when my quartet and praise team got together and sang for each other. It was neat seeing the praise team react to a style of music that they don't hear often and it was awesome to see my quartet react to the great sound of our praise team. It was a unique experience I will treasure.

The funniest part of the weekend was one night about 11:45pm when the session for the day was over and we were walking to our van. There were two late 80's looking people struggling up the hill. Summer decided to stop and help them. When she asked where their car was they explained that they couldn't remember.

That was a major understatement.

We drove them around downtown Nashville looking for their car for an hour. The lady was in our back seat and I recall her at least 5 times saying, "Oh God, Earl, what have we done. I just can't remember. I knew we would do this." We finally found it in a place they were sure it was not at the beginning.

All in all we had a great time. The kids were with Summer's mom and my mom was with us at the convention. It was just a great week.


Roxy Wishum said...

That sounds like a blast! I relate most to the old folks that could not remember where the car was. Thanks for helping out my peeps. I am sure you would have earned those other 30 points if you had been in Texas practicing--but I am glad you are in Montgomery.

Thomas Clay said...


Sorry you didn't make your goal but congrats on even getting on the International stage! You'll get to the top soon!
