Thursday, October 11, 2007

Book Recommendation

The lastest book that I've read is "The Secret Message of Jesus" by Brian D. McLaren. This is an excellent read as he dives into the gospels and looks at the message of Jesus with a fresh perspective. This book focuses on the kingdom message of Jesus that is such a focus of His teaching.

He takes you on a journey of Jesus' times and the religious and political makeup of the culture. As you begin to frame Jesus' message in this context, the message of Jesus comes alive in a way it never has before.

He was also at the Zoe conference as a keynote speaker. He was excellent as usual. He has a new book that was just put out called "Everything Must Change." I'm eager to see what he has in store as he claims this to be his pinnacle work. I'll try to let you know when I read the book.

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