Thursday, October 25, 2007

Restful Weekend-Maybe

I'm hopeful that this weekend proves to be a restful weekend. There are things on the agenda such as 2 soccer games and parties afterwards, but nothing that should be too hectic. Summer is taking the day off tomorrow and I have tomorrow off as well. We are going to volunteer in the morning in Micah's class untill aournd 11:00. Then we are kid free until 2:30. I feel a lunch at On the Boarder coming to mind.

I just figured out that my new quartet has a myspace page. It is

It has some tracks from our 3rd rehearsal which are not the best, but imagine that we sound good and you'll have an idea of what we have the potential of sounding like. :)


Nancy Morris said...

Hey! Glad you had a relaxing weekend. I did too. Pam and Katie came in and we went to Pumpkin Patch to take pictures for
Brad. First Pumpkin Patch I've ever seen. Neat! See you Thanksgiving. Love You

summer said...

well, i;m not sure about completely restful, but there were so me restfrul momments. i love you and am so glad we were all together to share it all!