Thursday, January 05, 2006

A New Year, A New Look

Well, here is a different look for my blog and my first post of the year and for a couple of months for that matter. The holidays have been busy and posting on my blog has been the last thing on my mind. Well, just in case some of you occasionally check my blog, surprise!!!!! I posted again.

I feel a little more organized though I'm still trying to catch up from the break at the holidays. I now carry a Franklin Planner. I've tried everything. I've had small calendars, Outlook calendars, PDA calendars, and of course the Franklin Planner. I seem to be the most organized with it, so that is what I'm going with this year.

As I look back to 2005, it was probably one of the most challenging years yet. We had our 3rd child, bought a house, and we found out that Summer has Graves Disease.

Through the challenges though, there have been so many blessings. I feel that I'm settling into my role as a worship minister and I think the church is becoming more aquainted with me as well. The priase team has grown closer over the course of this year and we look for that to continue. Rebekah is a sweet heart and a wonderful baby. We love our house. Summer is being treated for her graves disease and many symptoms that she has had for several years should go away.

I'm looking forward to this year. Things are in place for this to be a great year.

I hope to blog on a more regular basis this year. If you know me, you should know that typing a blog is an extremely difficult task for my personality. I have rarely journaled in my life, but not because I didn't have the desire to.

Some of the worship team met at Paula's house last night to watch the big game between Texas and USC. I have to admit I'm a transplant Texan, so though I'm happy to see Texas pull out a great victory in one of the greatest football games ever, my loyalties are still with the University of Tennessee. (football only of course. Basketball is all UK and will always be UK.)

Now it is time to think about the Super Bowl. I think the Colts are going to win it all. Peyton Manning (a former UT, that's Tennessee, the real UT, for you Texans, quarterback) is going to be if not already one of the greatest quarterbacks in the game. It is exciting to see the Colts play. I'll be rooting for them.

Well, I have lunch plans, so I need to stop. Hopefully you will see another post sooner than later. :)

Have a blessed day.

1 comment:

summer said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DID IT! i'm so proud of you. just a little update everyday. and of course you can always write about how wonderful i am if you can't think of anything else to post! hehehehe! I love you baby. i'm in agreement that this is sure to be better than last year.