Monday, October 11, 2004

Atkins, here I come

Well, for me, Monday starts my new week. Sunday seems like the end of the past week. I'm starting Atkins today, again. Last year I lost 40 pounds on Atkins. I dropped 5 inches off my waist. When I did, I got rid of my big clothes so I would I would be motivated to keep at it if my new smaller clothes started to get tight. I've let my clothes get about as tight as I can and still fit so it is time to do Atkins. That means eating no carbs. It will be a tough couple of weeks cause it is the induction phase. Food is my biggest weakness. I love to eat. My next weakness is exercise. I hate it. We'll see what happens. Well it is time for weekly staff meeting. Sorry for the short post. I'll post later.



1 comment:

MichaelPolutta said...

I'm glad that Atkins works for you. I'm concerned, however, that you weren't able to stay with it. EVERYONE I've talked to about that approach wasn't able to stay with it. I believe you have to have some way to boost your metabolism as well as a way to control caloric intake. (Besides, you need to be in shape for SuperWeek!) SOME form of exercise is mandatory. With as flat as it is in TX, perhaps you could ride a bicycle. Or you could lift weights and buff up!! (wish I had time for that)

BTW, the same thing happens to me with my running, because it is hard for me to run in the winter. So every spring I have to lose the extra holiday pounds. Every spring.